Heartzmail: 3 New Annual Review Designs 2016 and how you can set it up

Almost every insurance company with a tied agency force in Singapore have some sort of initiatives to push for Annual Reviews to be done by their Financial Consultants.

So far, it seems to be met with a sort of resistance that’s hard to put a finger on. The short version of the story is that it hasn’t been very successful.

But why? (If you’d like to skip the story and get straight to the designs,
here’s your escape tunnel)

Most Financial Consultants understand that if they don’t conduct the review, another competing Financial Consultant will be doing that job for them. The truth of the matter is quite simple - the failure to conduct annual reviews result in a sizeable leakage of sales commission for the consultant, and loss of revenue for the agency director and the insurance company.

Unfortunately, the motivation isn’t strong enough to overcome the barrier that’s standing between the practitioner and this very lucrative part of the business.

The hassle of tracking the next review date reliably seems difficult to be carried out consistently - and this might just be the largest barrier. This is where Heartzmail’s Annual Review System becomes useful.

How does Heartzmail’s Annual Review system work?

It’s quite simple. Set the date of the review, Heartzmail will send out the card on that day and you’ll get a SMS notification to call your client 7 days after.

Follow these steps to set it up for your client and you enjoy a worry-free and hassle-free system. Not only do you stop this leakage immediately, Heartzmail’s personal branding features in your card simply sets you apart from the rest.

  1. Add or search for your client’s name.
  2. Click on the name to go into edit mode.
  3. Click on the “AN” tab and complete the month and day you want to conduct your review with this client. Click Save.
  4. Heartzmail will send out an Annual Review reminder card to your client based on your settings.
  5. You’ll receive a SMS reminder to call your client to make an appointment about seven days after your card is received.
  6. If you want to change your default design to B or C, go to Settings and click on the Services tab. Change the settings under Annual Review and remember to save your changes.

Now you have a proper Annual Review system that’s a part of your business.

If you’ve come this far, click to view the designs.


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