The Conversation is the Opportunity

“John, is that Susan looking for more sales?”

“Get up and give her some Opportunities!”

Wouldn’t Susan be so happy if that was so easy? I call this the sales conundrum.

The title of this post can be written differently. We can write “The Conversation is the Opportunity.” We can also reverse it as, “The Opportunity is in the Conversation.”

In the sales context, the words “opportunity” and “conversation” are synonymous.

Everyone in the room wants to drive up the sales volume. But not everyone understands that the key is in the conversation. If you can drive up the conversation volume, sales volume becomes a by-product.

This leads us to an interesting place. How do we drive up the conversation volume?

I’ll be looking at touch points. All the sorts of strategies and tools that drive touch points. This is where I’d ask questions about my sales organisation, because that’s where sales people are lost and they need answers.


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This is my short story. Albeit with some reluctance, I think it’s a good time for me to share about the underlying drive for me all these years - doing what I’ve been doing, coming to where things are right now. I share this as a founder... Continue →